BangkaPro takes part in NDRRMC’s 36 Hour Earthquake Response Simulation Exercise

The Office of Civil Defense in cooperation with the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management initiated the 36 Hour Earthquake Response Simulation Exercise last December 6-7, 2018 at Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City.
The event was initiated to prepare both national and local response organization and agencies in the anticipated magnitude 7.2 earthquake scenario generated by the West Valley Fault. One of the highlights of the event is the Disaster Responders Challenge led by OCD NCR was conducted and participated by MMDA and the City DRRM offices in Metro Manila.

The exemplary and admirable response of government agencies, command and control, coordination in the incident management were tested and evaluated. This was also initiated in line with the accreditation of the 525th, EB, PA and 205th SRG, PAF, to the International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG)
INSARAG is a network of disaster prone and disaster responding countries and organizations dedicated to urban search and rescue (USAR) and operation field coordination recognized by the United Nations. The Advisory Group also sets minimum international standards for USAR teams and methodology for international coordination in earthquake response.

BangkaPro Aquatics Inc. gladly took part in supporting the objective of the Office of Civil Defense in promoting awareness in responding to disaster and anticipated catastrophe. As one of the major sponsors, we gave away one of our bestselling inflatable boats, our Skipper 380 Rescue Series. This is our way of giving back to the community and by making sure that we contribute in the efforts of our government and other participating organizations as we also share the same aim and vision. We are also at this time eager to present the capability and strength of our products as we are serious in introducing reliable first responder inflatable boats which was uniquely designed to comply with disasters and calamities.

This was equally participated by the 525th Engineering Brigade, Philippine Army and the 205th Search and Rescue Group, Philippine Air Force as the main players for the Philippine Disaster Response Team.